There is a lovely story about the origins of the double form of Sanguinaria which can be found in Alexander Reford’s book, ‘Treasures of the Reford Gardens’. Both he and Louise Tanguay were happy to share the information about these glorious little plants made their way to the Jardins de Metis. So here it is!
(As an aside, their lovely book with portraits of Elsie Reford’s favourite plants is currently on sale at Lee Valley - makes a great gift for an avid gardener!!!)
Congratulations to all of all those who guessed that the mystery plant was a Bloodroot, although only a couple knew that it is the very rare double Bloodroot, Sanguinium canadensis Multiplex (or Flora Pleno).
Six members will receive some European Ginger, Asarum europaeum from my garden for their efforts! This plant is a shiny ground cover with roundish oval, almost heart-shaped leaves. It spreads quite easily, but also can be easily contained. I never think, however, that any of the mildly invasive plants should go to your cottage - use it here in town so it doesn’t go wild on you!
Plant gift for the 6 winners this time around!
Flowers of Asarum europeaum - insignificant flowers (you can see two clearly in the middle of the photograph, green outside, dark red inside, and almost looking as if they have fangs!) are held under the leaves, but they set seed and are interesting despite being little noticed by gardeners. Photo: Mary Pratte